Tag Archives: 2020 Pandemic

20 Things I learned in 2020

A Year in the Algarve

  1. Roundabouts have Rules — who knew? You have to put a turn signal on when you’re exiting…no one taught me that in driver’s ed. stateside
  2. Obrigada is not a type of fish. And if you’re a boy, you should say Obrigad-O.
  3. Double Rainbows DO exist. And for that matter, so do WHITE rainbows.
  4. Fire can “jump” many kilometers at once — it’s actually called “spotting” and anyone who knows the Algarve understands that summer winds are up to 60km/h so fires travel like rockets. It’s scary.
  5. Outdoor furniture weighing less than 30 kilos will flip over, blow off your terrace, or end up at the bottom of your garden at some point. It’s just a question of when.
  6. There are more beaches than people in the Algarve. OK, not really. But it seems like it.
  7. Stargazing is a lot more fun when the air quality is pure. I’ve never seen brighter stars than in the Algarve.
  8. Eating food that arrives at your table within 20km of travel is INCREDIBLE. You can taste the difference.
  9. Spear fishing is a great survival skill.
  10. Guinea pigs whistle when they like you.
  11. Bank Mortgages are impossible to get on illegal structures. Don’t even try. Get a good lawyer to check any potential property you want to purchase first — especially if you’re paying cash (think resale).
  12. Agriculture is an important school subject.
  13. Wine doesn’t have to be red or white. It can be green too!
  14. High heels and cobblestones are not a match made in heaven.
  15. Six year olds cannot actually learn anything on Zoom.
  16. It may not be the best idea to move countries right before a global pandemic hits.
  17. There’s nothing online that could even come close to a live in-the-flesh performance. Sorry. It’s reality.
  18. Learning how to drive a manual car before you move to Portugal is a great idea.
  19. In a global pandemic, the Algarve might just be the safest place on the planet.
  20. Positivity can be practiced. Just like yoga or pilates. Seriously. If you tend to see the glass half empty, try a Gratitude Journal. It saved my life in just five minutes/day.

*If you feel like writing your own ’20 things I learned in 2020′ –I’d love to read yours too! Please post in the comments 🙂